1 At the beginning of the experiment the water in the Red Solo cup was warm and at an 80 degree F, the bucket started at 35 degrees F so they compared at 45 degrees apart. 2. Over time the cold water started to get warmer ad warmer at the end of the experiment it ended at a shocking 45 degrees and started at a bone chilling 30 degrees. 3.The warm water had the same effect. It started at around 80.9 degrees. It ended at a cooling 45 degrees. 4. My graph showed what happened because if you look at the lines, you can see it decreasing (hot) and increasing (cold), until they meet in the middle. 5. After 15 minutes it was the end of the time period so they were almost touching in the middle. 6. The cold water got warmer because of two reasons (1) The cold water got warmer because it was in open air not in a cooler with ice and cold water. (2) The water got warmer because it was touching a cup with hotish water in it. 7. The warm water got colder for one reason only, it was touching freezing water through a cup which was making the water get colder and colder. 8. We did the experiment for 15 minutes and as you can see the lines were almost touching, so I predict that after about 3 more minutes (18) it will touch and stay on top of each other for the other two. 9. The red dye did nothing to help me learn all I saw was red water sitting in a cup. Nothing, nothing. | Questions: