Random Notes
- Lewis and Clark went north of Yellowstone
- Random traveler did cross through Yellowstone
- Beaver was a popular trend for hats
- 26 different Native tribes are associated
- Have to drive 1 1/2 hours to a Walmart
- Has OBSIDIAN! (Minecraft!)
- Has volcanos
- Obsidian is technically volcanic glass
- Many petrified trees
- Hot springs can give you chemical poisoning and burns
- Mudpots make a sound like popping bubbles
- Geysers normally start out like you finger over a hose, then break through the ground
- Old Faithful’s opening is about the size of your fist
- Old faithful was named after the Hayden Expedition
- CANNOT ride geysers in real life. :(
- If you plugged up a geyser it would explode sideways :)
- Hot springs are just about boiling
What I learned was so amazing. I love geysers and how they work. I think it is so amazing that our earth can make a hose, and natural hot tubs.I think this Skype was valuable because we just learned more facts. This will totally help in the future if we ever study rocks and minerals. Or even Yellowstone in general.