Now that I know more about Mars, I am a little bit more worried about trying to make a colony on this deadly planet. One of the main things that I am worried about is that we could get hit by asteroids and meteors, and we could die from that! I don't know how we can ever survive on Mars if there is a possibility of getting hit by asteroids! Another one of my concerns is the dust storms. I learned that the dust storms are very deadly and we can easily lose our homes and other important places that we will need for our colonization. The dust can also get in our eyes, and make it really hard to see. I'm also a little worried about there being no water on Mars. I grew up in New Zealand, where it is a lot of water, so it will be hard for me to get used to not having any. We also can't breathe on Mars, and if our masks accidentally come off, we could die! There are plenty of other things that could get us hurt, and some of these include deadly sun rays, which can make us sick, or die, and the red dust on Mars could choke us to death and get in our eyes. Mars also has a huge temperature change, going from the negative 100’s at night, to the positive 100’s during the day. During this freezing temperature period, we could freeze, and probably die!!! Even if we don’t die, our doors to our research labs, homes, and other important buildings would freeze shut, along with the things in them! A lot of people’s jobs are going to come in need. Like Damien Startseva and Woo Ji Woo are going to be super busy, trying to invent things that can keep us warm and safe. Sven Lundqvist and Caroline Peter are also going to have lots of important tasks, trying to make the air more safe. Finally, Jade Le Blanc and I are going to need lots and lots of medicine to help cure the injuries!!!