Swimming With Turtles in Grand Cayman
I was at a turtle farm in Cayman Islands. I was 9 years old. This turtle farm had a lot of different sizes and kinds of turtles. When we first walked in there was a big yellow bucket on a bench. I looked in and there were 4 or 5 little baby turtles swimming in the water. I picked one up and held it in my hand. It was so cute! It sort of moved around in my hands and then I put it back in the bucket. They were really tiny and I didn't want to hurt it. We kept walking through the farm and kept looking at the turtles swimming around in the "pools". It was cool because we got to feed the turtles and see them up close because there was no top to the tanks. We turned the corner and saw a pool with 5 or 6 turtles in it that people could go in. My brother stepped into the pool and started playing with the turtles. There was no one else in the pool besides my brother so I ran straight to the pool.
"Hey JJ is the water cold" I shouted.
"No! It's fine!" He replied.
I stepped in and the water was cold, but it was so hot outside so it felt good. I picked one up and it started fidgeting. I put it back down. I picked up another one and it just sat in my hands. It's shell was really shiny and it had a really cool pattern on it. I didn't want to get out of the water and stop playing with the turtles but my mom and dad wanted to move on. As slowly as I could I got out of the water and left the turtles. That was probably my favorite part of the whole trip. It was so awesome that you could actually get in the water and play with the turtles instead of just staring at them in a tank.
"Hey JJ is the water cold" I shouted.
"No! It's fine!" He replied.
I stepped in and the water was cold, but it was so hot outside so it felt good. I picked one up and it started fidgeting. I put it back down. I picked up another one and it just sat in my hands. It's shell was really shiny and it had a really cool pattern on it. I didn't want to get out of the water and stop playing with the turtles but my mom and dad wanted to move on. As slowly as I could I got out of the water and left the turtles. That was probably my favorite part of the whole trip. It was so awesome that you could actually get in the water and play with the turtles instead of just staring at them in a tank.
| Touch
| Hear
| Smell