A Drop Around The World
- Moist things in the clouds grow bigger to make rain drops.
- The rain drops then fall as a type of perspiration. It may stay as water the whole way down but it might freeze up in to snow flakes.
- When water heats up in a puddle in will evaporate up into the air.
- Sometimes the water goes through the dirt and rocks and then may end up in a well near by.
- The rain drops get taken all directions by the wind
- In the spring the drops will find a seed and help it turn into a flower or plant.
- Rain drops dissolve minerals and nutrients.
- Rain drops can run up the inside of a tree and then come out a hole under a leaf.
Inside the Water Circle:
- Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom makes a tiny water molecule.
- There are five different types of clouds Cirrus, Altostratus,