I think the best conductor is brass because metal is a good conductor and brass is made out of metal the thing in -between the aluminum,cooper,plastic and I think the last one is wood.
- Describe how the heat energy transferred from the hot plate to the butter. The hot water went up to the conductors and the good conductors got hot first and melted the butter first and the bad conductors last.
- How did the results compare to your predictions. I got two wrong and the rest right.
- Which of the tested materials were the two best conductors? What is your evidence? The best conductors were copper and aluminum because the butter slid down the fastest.
- Which of the tested materials were the two worst conductors? What is your evidence? The wood and plastic because the butter slid down those two the slowest.
- Do you think water is a good or poor conductor? Why? It is a good conductor because there is lot of water in our bodies and there good conductor and that is why you can not swim when it is raining.
- Why do you think it matters which material is a good or bad conductor? How do we use conductors in our life? I think it maters because then we know not to stick a fork in the toaster and so on. We use them to use phones, lamps, fans,and a lot of other things.