Arguments for Independence Arguments against Independence
I think we should have I am done I hate paying taxes! The king is like god and we should pay our
I think we should at least have a say we are going to be taxes or god would not like us.
poor if this keeps up! I think people should pay the money with out
I think that the king is being mean even if they lost about fighting it is only a little more money.
3,000,000 dollars in the war! We lost all our money in the war the king has to charge you!
I think that patriots are easier to debate because they have a lot of good reasons compared to the loyalists.
I think I learned more on the computer because I stay more on task.
I think we should at least have a say we are going to be taxes or god would not like us.
poor if this keeps up! I think people should pay the money with out
I think that the king is being mean even if they lost about fighting it is only a little more money.
3,000,000 dollars in the war! We lost all our money in the war the king has to charge you!
I think that patriots are easier to debate because they have a lot of good reasons compared to the loyalists.
I think I learned more on the computer because I stay more on task.