(1) Explain why you think America won the Revolutionary War. Use ideas from our class discussion, Liberty's Kids, and any other sources you've used to learn about this topic. I think they won because they had a good plan and always tried there hardest.
(2) After our tug-of-war simulation, (1) write about how each metaphor in the simulation represented something in history (e.g. America would get a prize if they won but England would not because America got their freedom when they won & England would not have gotten anything new), (2) write about how America won the war based on evidence from this experience.
(3) Upload a photo from the Daily Photo Journal from our tug-of-war simulation.
(2) After our tug-of-war simulation, (1) write about how each metaphor in the simulation represented something in history (e.g. America would get a prize if they won but England would not because America got their freedom when they won & England would not have gotten anything new), (2) write about how America won the war based on evidence from this experience.
(3) Upload a photo from the Daily Photo Journal from our tug-of-war simulation.