America had a tiny army with untrained soldiers, basically anyone who had a gun was asked to come and fight in the war. They were just some hunters that didn't have very good aim. I don't think any of them were ready to fight either. On the other hand, England had trained soldiers and one of the biggest armys. They also had the newest guns, that were easier and faster to load, and easier to clean and shoot. They always keep an army prepared for something like this, so they were totally ready. America was definitely the underdog, but yet they won the war with literally nothing! How did we do it?
I just got back from the tug of war, and I learned so much more. America won the Revolutionary War because they had "backup". When they were about to lose to England, people from France came and helped us in the war, and that is most of the reason we won. Although, when France came to help us, a few Hessians came to help England. England had nothing to gain if they won, but America had everything to win, so they had lots of motivation. One thing that I think was extremely unfair about the Revolutionary War, was that slaves came and helped us in the war, risking their lives. Then after we won the war, they had to go back to working for their owners, as if they never did anything. They didn't gain anything from the war, because they didn't earn independence.
Because I represented France, I got to sit on the sidelines for a bit. I noticed that the teams were really unfair. Everybody on the "America" team was short, and they had less people then the "England" team. Everybody on the England team was tall, and they had a few more people. I knew that the sides of the war were unfair, but I didn't think they were that unfair! From watching and then being in the Tug-of-war/ Revolutionary War, I know what it was like and how America finally won it.
I just got back from the tug of war, and I learned so much more. America won the Revolutionary War because they had "backup". When they were about to lose to England, people from France came and helped us in the war, and that is most of the reason we won. Although, when France came to help us, a few Hessians came to help England. England had nothing to gain if they won, but America had everything to win, so they had lots of motivation. One thing that I think was extremely unfair about the Revolutionary War, was that slaves came and helped us in the war, risking their lives. Then after we won the war, they had to go back to working for their owners, as if they never did anything. They didn't gain anything from the war, because they didn't earn independence.
Because I represented France, I got to sit on the sidelines for a bit. I noticed that the teams were really unfair. Everybody on the "America" team was short, and they had less people then the "England" team. Everybody on the England team was tall, and they had a few more people. I knew that the sides of the war were unfair, but I didn't think they were that unfair! From watching and then being in the Tug-of-war/ Revolutionary War, I know what it was like and how America finally won it.