I want to find how heat travels through these 5 materials. 1. Brass 2.Copper 3. Plastic 4.Aluminum 5. Wood I don't think plastic will be a good conductor. I think brass will be the best conductor. I don't think wood will conduct at all. I think aluminum will conduct heat, just not as much as metal. I think copper will be an okay conductor. The order they went down. 1. Copper 2. Aluminum 3. Brass 4. Plastic 5. Wood Okay, I was not expecting the outcomes. I was really suprised. |
Answers: The heat energy transferred from the heat plate to the butter by going through the water in the jar to the rod, then up the rod to the butter. This happened because the water and most of the rods are conductors. I don't know how the heat got up the rods that weren't conductors. My predictions weren't right because I didn't think copper would be the best conductor, but it slid down first. I thought brass would be the best conductor, but it slid 3rd. The copper and the aluminum rods were the best conductors because the butter slid down on them first. Those rods were the best conductors because the heat got through them the easiest. The wood and the plastic were the worst conductors because the butter on them slid down last. this makes them bad conductors because it took a lot longer for the heat to pass through them. I think water is a good conductor because the heat energy could pass through it no problem. It's like when there is a storm and you have to get out of the pool because there is lightning. You have to get out of the pool because if the lightning hits the water, it will pass through the water and electrocute you. It matters what materials are good or bad conductors so you know if the heat will pass through it easily, or if it will be difficult, of if it will pass through at all. We use conductors all the time in our life. If you plug in a cord, that is conducting electricity, and we plug in a lot of cords everyday, so we conduct everyday. |
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