The Apple
The apple looks like a butt, it's is smooth and slimy but in some parts it was dry like the center, there are 3 seeds instead of two, 2 big and 1 small, there was a white spot I think is from the cold weather, The top had tiny black roots that in my guess leads to the seed, it smells fugi when it dosen't look like a fugi apple.
Now it's time for... Questions and Answer!!!
Todays Questions are... (As Followed.)
Today we will start with Question #3. The Question...
The answer...
The sense I used the most was Seeing, then touching, and at last smelling.
Question #1...
The answer...
Well apples may look boring on the the outside but it's interesting in the inside. Theres stuff in a apple you sometime might not know about.
Last Question...
The answer...
Observation and Description is important in science because when doing a Experment You need to make a list to know what you know and what you find out.
- Why were you able to observe so many things about your apple today?
- Why is observation and description so important in science?
- Rank order the five senses in the order or your observations (i.e. which sense was used most, second most, etc.).
Today we will start with Question #3. The Question...
- Rank order the five senses in the order or your observations (i.e. which sense was used most, second most, etc.).
The answer...
The sense I used the most was Seeing, then touching, and at last smelling.
Question #1...
- Why were you able to observe so many things about your apple today?
The answer...
Well apples may look boring on the the outside but it's interesting in the inside. Theres stuff in a apple you sometime might not know about.
Last Question...
- Why is observation and description so important in science?
The answer...
Observation and Description is important in science because when doing a Experment You need to make a list to know what you know and what you find out.