We will have to pass rivers on the Oregon trail.
There are more than 3000 bison in Yellowstone.
When you are on yellow stone you are on a volcano.
Yellowstone is bigger than Delaware and Rhode island combined.
Wagons are only ten feet long and three and a half feet wide.
You have to keep the weight of all of the stuff you bring under one ton and a half.
A bison can weigh over one ton.
An Eco system is a community with living things.
Yellowstone is 31 thousand square miles.
Coyotes are one meter from their feet to their shoulders.
Coyotes have a narrow snouts and huge ears.
Wolves have a lot smaller ears it has a shorter muzzle and a dish like shape.
Wyoming has more of the Oregon trail than any other state.
Coyotes front teeth are calls insizers there big teeth are called k nines then the back are molers same with wolves.
Wolves cane eat 80 quarter pound burgers in 10 minutes.
When you see crows circling that means that there is something dead below.
Wolves and coyotes live in complex families.
We will need to hunt elk and thongs for their pelts.
People didn't ride in the wagons unless they were babies old people or if they were sick.
When you live you will have to leave your best friends.
More people died from unsanitary conditions then rifles, bows Indian attacks and wolves and coyotes.
You can get stopped right where you are if it snows.
Mosquito's can be the size of humming birds.
Coyotes like grass hoppers.
The bug repellant is Buffalo grease and fat.
The main bubs that we should look out for are small fly's and mosquito's.
Badgers like to be in the sun and dig down deep.
Who can cook, skin and shoot badgers.
You would cook badgers over an open fire or in a stew with as much seasoning as possible.
Coyotes have a guard coat that is rough then under it is really soft.
Animals carry rabies and our animals can carry diseases and can give them to the animals on the trail.
In 1843 over 1000 wagons traveled south to go on the different trails.
Lichen grows really really slow the can only grow 1 to 3 millimeters in one year.
Lichen can be used to make different kinds of medicine.
Eagles can kill deer.
There are more than 3000 bison in Yellowstone.
When you are on yellow stone you are on a volcano.
Yellowstone is bigger than Delaware and Rhode island combined.
Wagons are only ten feet long and three and a half feet wide.
You have to keep the weight of all of the stuff you bring under one ton and a half.
A bison can weigh over one ton.
An Eco system is a community with living things.
Yellowstone is 31 thousand square miles.
Coyotes are one meter from their feet to their shoulders.
Coyotes have a narrow snouts and huge ears.
Wolves have a lot smaller ears it has a shorter muzzle and a dish like shape.
Wyoming has more of the Oregon trail than any other state.
Coyotes front teeth are calls insizers there big teeth are called k nines then the back are molers same with wolves.
Wolves cane eat 80 quarter pound burgers in 10 minutes.
When you see crows circling that means that there is something dead below.
Wolves and coyotes live in complex families.
We will need to hunt elk and thongs for their pelts.
People didn't ride in the wagons unless they were babies old people or if they were sick.
When you live you will have to leave your best friends.
More people died from unsanitary conditions then rifles, bows Indian attacks and wolves and coyotes.
You can get stopped right where you are if it snows.
Mosquito's can be the size of humming birds.
Coyotes like grass hoppers.
The bug repellant is Buffalo grease and fat.
The main bubs that we should look out for are small fly's and mosquito's.
Badgers like to be in the sun and dig down deep.
Who can cook, skin and shoot badgers.
You would cook badgers over an open fire or in a stew with as much seasoning as possible.
Coyotes have a guard coat that is rough then under it is really soft.
Animals carry rabies and our animals can carry diseases and can give them to the animals on the trail.
In 1843 over 1000 wagons traveled south to go on the different trails.
Lichen grows really really slow the can only grow 1 to 3 millimeters in one year.
Lichen can be used to make different kinds of medicine.
Eagles can kill deer.
I learned so much about the coyotes and wolves I learned how to tell which one is which like the ears and that stuff. We know what they do to get you to come over to them like the coyotes lay down and act like they are wounded. I learned so much and I am excited to Skype with him again. So many things are shocking and would help us on our simulation that we are doing on the Oregon trail. Some things that were shocking was that a eagle can take down a deer.