This activity was we stuck butter on the end of the material and saw witch one slid off first.
The best conductor will be Aluminum
The best conductor will be Aluminum
- Describe how the heat energy transferred from the hot plate to the butter.
- How did the results compare to your predictions.
- Which of the tested materials were the two best conductors? What is your evidence?
- Which of the tested materials were the two worst conductors? What is your evidence?
- Do you think water is a good or poor conductor? Why?
- Why do you think it matters which material is a good or bad conductor? How do we use conductors in our life?
2.The order went copper,aluminum brass,plastic then wood so they were pretty close because any kind of metal is a good conductor.
3.The two best were copper and aluminum because they heat up fast and are they are good conductors.
4.The two worst were plastic and wood because they are hard to heat up and heat cant really transfer through it.
5.I think water is a good conductor because it heated up all of the rods and melted the butter.
6.I think you can use it too heat up things like food and sometimes drinks an electricity because you need food and drinks and you electricity is pretty important.